Wordsearches and Crosswords

Click on links, below, and go to wordsearches and simple crossword puzzles you can copy and complete. Wordsearches and crosswords are really fun and can help you learn new words, and about new places and people. That's what Browny's word searches and crosswords will be like. Say, do you have an idea for a crossword or a wordsearch that you'd like to share with others? Send it to us and we might be able to make it available on our website! Wouldn't that be fun?

When you click on a wordsearch or crossword link, the whole page will be shown. Click on the logo in the upper right to print and then complete the page. When you're finished, you can click on the "see completed wordsearch" or "see completed crossword" buttons to check your answers.  Click the "Go Back" button below the wordsearch or crossword to return to this page.


Wordsearches Crosswords
Browny's First Wordsearch