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Little Star Monse's Castle
Little Star The Kids Get A Box For Christmas
Little Star Kaylee Rose -- Too Cute!
Little Star The Exeter Ambulance Safety Fair
Little Star Toys From The Heart

Stories and Annecdotes:

Little Star
Little Star

At The Big Brown BOX;

Where Star BOXES Are Born!!

How To Get On "StarBOX"

The characters in our children's books are all animated shipping boxes. Browny Big Box is our first starring character.  He and his family and friends get to travel around the United States and around the world meeting new people and making new friends.  One of the things that makes Browny and other shipping boxes the happiest is when families get together and make things with big brown boxes.  People make playthings, build play cottages and castles and create costumes with them.  They become boats, airplanes, race cars and forts.  And we think that these creations should be show-cased for all the world to see! So we're offering "StarBOX" to people and families who want to display the creative and imaginative results of their labors!

Do something special with a big brown box like make a puppet theater and put on  a puppet show.  Or use one to do an art project of any kind.  Use all the imagination and creativity you can muster.  Then, take a photo of it and send it to us as an e-mail attachment (or, if you want, as a photo in an envelope through the mail).  If we think we can use it, we'll get back to you with photo-clearances and all the other stuff we'll need you to give us in order to get your creation highlighted for all the world to see. You might also consider sending us a copy  (no originals, please) of one of your "old family photos" showing you or someone in your past playing in a Big Brown BOX in the "good old days", (anytime, say, from the '80's back!)   (NOTE:  Photo's containing objectionable content or implication will be returned without comment to the person sending them.  Think "G" rated when you send material for us to display!)

E-mails with image attachments should be sent to starboxstuff@thebigbrownbox.com .  Send images / photo's regular mail to:

The Big Brown BOX

443 Hill Road

Douglassville, PA  19518

Attention:  StarBox Stuff

Provide some information about the photos; e.g. what was the project, who were its sponsors/mentors, etc.   Please do not identify anyone by full name.  First names are OK.  If you give us names of sponsors / mentors, we assume it's OK to use them.


You can send us a story or humorous annecdote involving your inevitable interactions with big brown boxes!  Again, we'll try to put some of what you send up on our site under the general heading "Stories and Annecdotes".  Material we use can't be copyrighted material unless you own the copyright and give us the permission.  In your email or regular mail correspondence, please affirm that the material you are sending is original work, created by you and not copyrighted or, if it is copyrighted, you give us permission to display it on our site.  And, again, we definitely won't display any story or annecdote having content that is questionable or outright objectionable (remember, "G" rated!).  Send your stories and annecdotes you want us to consider as instructed (click here).  We look forward to hearing from you!

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