
Meet the Authors

Dave, Jackie and their Characters













Jackie and the 'Vette

Jacqueline H. Blumenstock is the co-author of the "Browny Big Box Adventure Series", as well as being the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for The Big Brown BOX, Inc.  She is known as an "Imagination Specialist", because of her ability to spark childrens' imagination through her writing and captivating presentations.  Shown on the left she's wearing her red hat, scarf and "Corvette" that have become her signatures in presenting the "Just Imagine Elementary School" program.  Whether presenting in a daycare, school, or as a guest lecturer, it is always a rewarding experience for her.  She incorporates into her writing the experiences she has shared with her 9 year old daughter and 13 year old son, who continue to be an inspiration.  She is dedicated to helping children unleash their imaginative and creative abilities through her book series and appearances.  She is a member of SCBWI & PMA.


Dave, Here's lookin' at you, kid(s)

David C. Pool has authored "The Big Brown Box..., Volume 1", created the "Browny Big Box" family of characters, and is co-author of the "Browny Big Box Adventure Series".  The relationship between kids and boxes is the focal point of his imagination-based business.  He possesses the only known degree in "Boxology".  In his presentations, he encourages inter-generational relationships through reading and writing, and emphasizes creativity and imagination to his audiences.  Shown on right, he's "Pop Pop" to several grandchildren, who continually inspire his writing.  He has a Masters Degree in Psychology, is founder and President of The Big Brown BOX, Inc., and is a member of PMA.


Both Authors reside in Douglassville, PA


Meet the Illustrator

The Illustrative ColleenColleen M. Madden is an illustrator whose work has appeared in numerous print and internet publications. She has been illustrating since she could hold a crayon but has been getting paid for it for the last 12 years. She has a BA from Merrimack College in Illustration and English Literature. Shown "illustratively" at left, she works and resides in the Philadelphia area with her writer husband Patrick and their two sons, Sean and Gabriel. The books in the "Browny Big Box Adventure Series" are her first children’s books.


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